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 Linkers Egypt Official web site : Linkers Egypt
Official Email is : Mostafa Elqoutt   Contact Phone number
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Linkers Egypt is a joint stock company established working in the fields of shipping and freight forwarding providing a wide scope of logistic services serving some of the most distinguished multinational companies locally and internationally through our worldwide network of overseas partners.

Our ability to maintain some of the greatest names among our clients lists for so many years is good enough proof for the devotion of out staff in carrying out their mission
Linkers Egypt was established to provide the utmost standard of efficiency to clients , avoiding any delay or inconvenience in transporting shipments through any other Sub-contractors or Truck Dealers.
We are one of the best in the field working in the field of inland trucking an transportation of containers , general cargo , heavy and oversized equipments . In addition , working in the field of foreign trade , importing of construction materials used in the infrastructure of some of the major projects in Egypt .

How to make Egyptian Bsbosa

Organization AS PRINCIPAL

Organization AS PRINCIPAL

Unique Liability Conditions

41. To the degree that the Company contracts as primary for the execution of

the Customer's directions, the Company embraces to perform or in its

possess name to get the exhibitions of the Customer's guidelines and

subject to the arrangements of these Conditions will be obligated for the loss of or

harm to the Goods happening from the time that the Goods are taken into

its charge until the season of conveyance.

42. Despite different arrangements in these Conditions, on the off chance that it very well may be demonstrated

where the loss of or harm to the Goods happened, the Company's obligation

will be controlled by the arrangements contained in any global

show or national law, the arrangements of which

(A) can't be withdrawn from by private contract, to the drawback of the

inquirer, and

(B) would have connected if the inquirer had made a different and direct

contract with the genuine supplier of the specific administration in regard of

that administration or phase of carriage where the misfortune or harm happened and

gotten as proof thereof a specific report which must be

issued if such universal show or national law will apply.

43. Despite different arrangements in these Conditions, on the off chance that it tends to be demonstrated that

the loss of or harm to the Goods happened adrift or inland conduit and

the arrangements of provision 42 don't have any significant bearing, the Company's risk will be

decided as per the Hamburg rules 1978 in the nations

where such standards are necessarily appropriate , generally the organization's

risk will be dictated by the Hague Rules. Reference to the Hamburg

Standards or the Hauge rules ,as the case might be , to carriage via ocean ought to

consider to incorporate reference to carriage by inland conduits and the Hamburg

or on the other hand Hague rules will be interpreted as needs be .

44. Despite the arrangements of provision 42 if the loss of or harm to the

Products happened adrift or on inland conduits, and the Owner, Charterer or

administrator of the vessel sets up a restriction subsidize, the risk of the

Organization will be restricted to the extent of the said impediment support

apportioned to the Goods.

45. Air Carriage:

In the event that the Company goes about as a central in regard of a carriage of Goods via air,

the accompanying notification is thusly given:

In the event that the carriage includes an extreme goal or stop in a nation other

than the nation of flight, the Warsaw Convention might be material and

the Convention administers and by and large confines the obligation of bearers in

regard of loss of or harm to freight. Concurred ceasing places are those spot

(other than the spots of flight and goal) appeared mentioned

directing and additionally those spots appeared in transporters' timetables as planned

ceasing places for the course, The location of the primary transporter is the air terminal of

departure.ces for the course, The location of the main transporter is the airplane terminal of


46. Both to Blame Collision Clause:

The current Both-to-Blame Collision Clause embraced by BIMCO is

consolidated in these conditions.

Organization AS AGENT

Organization AS AGENT

Extraordinary Liability and Indemnity Conditions

38. (A) To the degree that the Company goes about as an operator, the Company does not

make or imply to make any agreement with the Customer for the

carriage, stockpiling or treatment of the Goods nor for some other physical

administration in connection to them and acts exclusively for the benefit of the Customer in

protecting such administrations by building up contracts with outsiders so that

direct authoritative connections are set up between the Customer

what's more, such outsiders.

(B) The Company will not be subject for the demonstrations and exclusions of such third

parties alluded to in sub-proviso (An) above.

39. (A) The Company when going about as an operator has the specialist of the Customer

to go into contracts for the Customers sake and to do such acts so as

to tie the Customer by such contracts and acts in all regards

despite any takeoff from the Customers guidelines.

(B) Except to the degree brought about by the Company's carelessness, the Customer

will shield, repay and hold innocuous the Company in regard of all

obligation, misfortune, harm, expenses or costs emerging our of any agreements

made in the acquisition of the Customers prerequisites in agreement

with provision 38.

Selection of Rates

40. Where there is a selection of rates as indicated by the degree or level of risk

expected by people conveying, putting away, taking care of the Goods, no presentation of

esteem where discretionary will be made except if generally concurred recorded as a hard copy.



26. (An) If a Container has not been pressed nor stuffed by the Company, the

Organization will not be obligated for loss of or harm to the substance if

brought about by:

(I) the way in which the Container has been pressed or stuffed,

(ii) the unacceptability of the substance for carriage in compartments, except if the

Organization has endorsed the reasonableness.

(iii) the unsatisfactory quality or blemished state of the Container gave that

where the Container has been provided by or for the

Organization this passage (iii) will possibly apply if the unsatisfactory quality or

deficient condition emerged (a) with no carelessness with respect to

the Company or (b) would have been clear upon sensible

investigation by the Customer or Owner or individual following up for the benefit of

both of them,

(iv) if the Container isn't fixed at the initiation of the Carriage

but where the Company has consented to seal the Container.

(B) The Customer will protect, reimburse and hold innocuous the Company

against all risk, hurl, harm, expenses and costs emerging from one or

a greater amount of the issues secured by (An) above aside from (A)(iii)(a) above.

(C) Where the Company is told to give a Container, in the nonattendance

of a composed solicitation despite what might be expected, the Company isn't under an

commitment to give a Container of a specific sort or quality.

Freedoms and Rights

Freedoms and Rights of Company

18. The Company will be entitled, with the exception of to the extent that has been generally concurred

recorded as a hard copy, to go into contracts for the benefit of itself or the Customer and

without notice to the Customer

(A) for the carriage of Goods by any course, means or individual,

(B) for the carriage of Goods of any depiction whether containerized or not

on or

under the deck of any vessel,

(C) for the capacity, pressing, transshipment, stacking, emptying or treatment of

Products by any individual at wherever whether on shore or above water and for any

time allotment,

(D) for the carriage or capacity of Goods in compartments or with different products of

whatever nature,

(E) for the execution of its own commitments, and to do such goes about as in the

feeling of the Company might be fundamental or accidental to the

execution of the Company's commitments.

19. (A) The Company will be entitled however under no commitment, to leave from

the Customer's guidelines in any regard if in the conclusion of the

Organization there is valid justification to do as such to the Customer's advantage and it

will not in this manner bring about any extra obligation.

(B) The Company may whenever conform to the requests or

suggestions given by any Authority. The duty of the

Organization in regard of the Goods will stop on the conveyance or other

demeanor of the Goods as per such requests or


20. On the off chance that whenever the execution of the Company's commitments, in the supposition

of the Company or any individual whose benefits the Company utilizes, is

or on the other hand is probably going to be influenced by any obstruction, chance, postponement, trouble or

hindrance at all and which can't be stayed away from by sensible

attempts by the Company or such other individual, the Company may, on

pulling out recorded as a hard copy to the Customer or Owner or without notice where it

isn't sensibly conceivable to give such notice, treat the execution of its

commitments as ended and spot the Goods or any piece of them at the

Client or Owner's transfer at wherever which the Company may esteem

protected and advantageous, whereupon the duty of the Company in regard

of the Goods will stop. The Customer will be in charge of any

extra expenses of carriage to and conveyance and capacity at such spot what not

different costs acquired by the Company.

21. In the event that conveyance of the Goods or any part thereof isn't taken by the Customer or

Proprietor at the time and spot when and where the Company, or any individual

whose benefits the Company utilizes, is qualified for call upon the

Client or Owner to take conveyance thereof, the Company or such other

individual will be qualified for store the Goods in the open or under spread at the

sole hazard and cost of the Customer.

22. Despite conditions 20 and 21, the Company will be entitled however under

no commitment to the detriment of the Customer payable on interest and

with no obligation to the Customer or Owner, to sell or discard

(An) on giving 21 days notice recorded as a hard copy to the Customer all Goods which in the

assessment of the Company can't be conveyed as educated, and

(B) without notice Goods which have died, crumbled or modified, or are

in prompt prospect of doing as such in a way which has caused or may

be sensibly expected to make misfortune or harm any individual or

property or to negate material guidelines.

23. The Company will have a specific and general lien on all Goods or

reports identifying with Goods in its ownership for all entireties due whenever

from the Customer or Owner and on giving 28 days notice recorded as a hard copy to the

Client, will be qualified for sell or discard such Goods or archives at

the cost of the Customer and with no obligation to the Customer and

Proprietor and apply the returns in or towards the installment of such totals.

24. The Company will be qualified for hold and be paid all financiers,

commissions, stipends and different compensations generally held by or

paid to cargo forwarders.

25. The organization will reserve the privilege to authorize against the Owner and the

Client together and severally any obligation of the Customer under these

Conditions or to recoup from them any aggregates to be paid by the Customer

which upon interest have not been paid.

Special Instructions

Special Instructions, Goods and Services

10. (An) Unless for the most part as of late agreed recorded as a printed version, the Customer won't

pass on

to the Company or cause the Company to oversee or manage Dangerous


(B) If the Customer is in break of sub-condition (An) above he will be in danger for

all mishap or mischief at all realized by or to or with respect to the

Items howsoever rising and will protect, reimburse and hold harmless

the Company against all disciplines, claims, damages, costs and expenses

at all developing in affiliation therewith and the items may without

see be destroyed or by and large oversaw at the sole mindfulness of the

Association or some other individual in whose care they may be at the

material time,

(C) If the Company agrees to recognize Dangerous Goods and thereafter in the

evaluation of the Company or some other individual they build up a risk to

diverse items, property, life or prosperity they may without notice be

devastated or by and large figured out how to the hindrance of the Customer or


11. The Customer grasps not to sensitive for transportation any Goods which

require temperature control without officially giving made notice out of their

nature and explicit temperature range to be kept up and because of

a temperature controlled Container stuffed by or to assist the Customer

further grasps that the Container has been genuinely pre-cooled or

preheated as fitting, that the Goods have been genuinely stuffed in the

holder and that its thermostatic controls have been genuinely set by the

Customer. If the above essentials are not fit in with the Company

won't be in danger for any loss of or mischief to the Goods realized by such


12. No assurance will be influenced except for upon express bearings given in

making by the Customer and all assurances influenced by the Company are

subject to the commonplace uncommon cases and conditions of the methodologies of the security

Association or underwriters putting it all out there. But on the off chance that for the most part agreed recorded as a printed version,

the Company won't be under any promise to affect an alternate security

on each committal aside from may broadcast it on any open or general methodology. The

Association is an administrator in respect of the influencing of security and should the

back up plans question their commitment in any capacity whatsoever the secured will have reaction

against the back up plans just and the Company won't be under any

obligation or commitment at all in association thereto notwithstanding that

the premium upon the methodology may not be at a comparative rate as that charged by

the Company or paid to the Company by its customers.

13. Beside according to express headings as of late got recorded as a printed copy

likewise, recognized recorded as a printed version by the Company, the Company won't be obliged

to own any expression for the purposes behind any standard, appear or

contract with respect to the possibility of estimation of any Goods or as to any phenomenal interest

in movement.

14. But on the off chance that for the most part as of late agreed recorded as a printed version or by and large suited under

the game plans of a file set apart by the Company, bearings relating to

the transport or entry of Goods against portion or against surrender of a

explicit chronicle will be recorded as a printed copy and the Company's commitment won't

outperform that suited in respect of misdelivery of Goods.

15. But on the off chance that for the most part as of late agreed recorded as a printed copy that the Goods will leave or get in contact by

a particular date, the Company recognizes no commitment with respect to flight or landing dates

of Goods.


Unique Instructions, Goods and Services

10. (An) Unless generally recently concurred recorded as a hard copy, the Customer will not


to the Company or cause the Company to manage or deal with Dangerous


(B) If the Customer is in break of sub-condition (An) above he will be at risk for

all misfortune or harm at all brought about by or to or regarding the

Products howsoever emerging and will guard, repay and hold innocuous

the Company against all punishments, claims, harms, expenses and costs

at all emerging in association therewith and the products may without

see be decimated or generally managed at the sole attentiveness of the

Organization or some other individual in whose care they might be at the

applicable time,

(C) If the Company consents to acknowledge Dangerous Goods and afterward in the

assessment of the Company or some other individual they establish a hazard to

different products, property, life or wellbeing they may without notice be

obliterated or generally managed to the detriment of the Customer or


11. The Customer embraces not to delicate for transportation any Goods which

require temperature control without already giving composed notice of their

nature and specific temperature range to be kept up and on account of

a temperature controlled Container stuffed by or for the benefit of the Customer

further embraces that the Container has been legitimately pre-cooled or

preheated as fitting, that the Goods have been legitimately stuffed in the

holder and that its thermostatic controls have been legitimately set by the

Client. In the event that the above prerequisites are not conformed to the Company

will not be at risk for any loss of or harm to the Goods brought about by such


12. No protection will be affected with the exception of upon express directions given in

composing by the Customer and all protections affected by the Company are

subject to the typical special cases and states of the approaches of the protection

Organization or guarantors going out on a limb. Except if generally concurred recorded as a hard copy,

the Company will not be under any commitment to impact a different protection

on every committal except may proclaim it on any open or general strategy. The

Organization is an operator in regard of the affecting of protection and ought to the

back up plans question their obligation in any way, shape or form the protected will have response

against the back up plans just and the Company will not be under any

duty or obligation at all in connection thereto despite that

the premium upon the approach may not be at a similar rate as that charged by

the Company or paid to the Company by its clients.

13. Aside from as per express directions recently got recorded as a hard copy

also, acknowledged recorded as a hard copy by the Company, the Company will not be obliged

to make any statement for the reasons for any rule, show or

contract with regards to the idea of estimation of any Goods or as to any extraordinary intrigue

in conveyance.

14. Except if generally recently concurred recorded as a hard copy or generally accommodated under

the arrangements of an archive marked by the Company, directions identifying with

the conveyance or arrival of Goods against installment or against surrender of a

specific archive will be recorded as a hard copy and the Company's obligation will not

surpass that accommodated in regard of misdelivery of Goods.

15. Except if generally recently concurred recorded as a hard copy that the Goods will leave or touch base by

a specific date, the Company acknowledges no obligation regarding flight or landing dates

of Goods.



4. In these conditions

(An) "Organization" is an EIFFA part exchanging under these conditions .

(B) "Client' signifies any individual at whose demand or for whose sake the

organization gives an administration .

(C) "Individual" incorporates anyone or corporate bodies .

(D) "Proprietor' incorporates the proprietor, shipper and representative of the products and any

other individual who is or may turned out to be keen on the products and anybody

following up for their benefit .

(E) "Specialist" An appropriately established lawful or regulatory individual acting inside

its legitimate powers and practicing locale inside any country , state ,

region , port or airplane terminal

(F) "Merchandise" incorporates the payload and any holder not provided by or on

sake of the Company, in regard of which the Company gives a


(G) "Compartment' incorporates any holder, flexi tank, trailer, transportable tank,

level, bed or any article of transport used to convey or solidify products

furthermore, any hardware of or associated thereto.

(H) "Hazardous Goods" incorporates products which are or may happened to a

hazardous inflammable, radio-dynamic or harming nature and products likely

to harbor or empower vermin or different bugs;

(I) "Hague Rules" signifies the arrangements of the International Convention for

the Unification of specific guidelines Relating to Bills of Lading marked at

Brussels on 25th August 1924.

(J) "Directions" signifies an announcement of the Customers explicit prerequisites

5. Client warrants that he is either the Owner or the approved specialist of the

proprietor of the merchandise and that he is approved to acknowledge and is tolerating these

for himself as well as specialist for and for the benefit of the Owner of the


6. The Customer warrants that he has sensible learning of issues

influencing the lead of his business , including yet not restricted to the terms

of offer and buy of the merchandise and every single other issue relating thereto.

7. The Customer will give adequate and executable directions.

8. The Customer warrants that the portrayal and specifics of the Goods are

complete and


9. The Customer warrants that the Goods are appropriately stuffed and marked,

but where the Company has acknowledged directions in regard of such




1. (A) Subject to sub-provision (B) underneath, all administrations of the Company whether

needless or not are liable to these Conditions.

(I) The arrangements of Part I will apply to every single such administration.

(ii) The arrangements of Part II will just apply to the degree that such


are given by the Company as specialists.

(iii) The arrangements of Part Ill will just apply to the degree that such


are given by the Company as principals.

(B) Where an archive bearing a title of or including "bill of filling" (regardless of whether

or on the other hand not negotiable)or "waybill" is issued by or for the benefit of the Company

what's more, gives that the Company contracts as transporter, the arrangements set

out in such report will be vital to the extent that such arrangements are

conflicting with these Conditions.

(C) Every variety, dropping or waiver of these Conditions must be in

composing marked by a Director of the Company. Notice is thusly given that

no other individual has or will be given any specialist at all to concur

to any variety, wiping out or waiver of these Conditions.

2. All administrations are given by the Company as operators with the exception of in the accompanying

conditions where the Company goes about as central:

(A) where the organization plays out any carriage, taking care of or capacity of Goods

in any case, just to the degree that the carriage is performed by the Company

itself or its hirelings and the Goods are in the genuine guardianship and control

of the Company, or

(B) where preceding the initiation of the carriage of Goods the Customer


composing requests from the Company points of interest of the character, administrations

or then again

charges of people trained by the Company to perform part or all of


carriage, the Company will be regarded to contract as a primary in

regard of that piece of the carriage in regard of which the Company fizzles

to give such points of interest requested inside 28 days of the Company's

receipt of such interest, or

(C) to the degree that the Company explicitly concurs recorded as a hard copy to go about as a

main, or

(D) to the degree that the Company is held by a courtroom to have gone about as

a foremost

3. Without bias to the sweeping statement of condition

(A) the charging by the Company of a fixed cost for an administration or administrations of

at all nature will not in itself decide or be proof that the

Organization is going about as an operator or an important in regard of such administration or


(B) the providing by the Company of their own or rented hardware will not

in itself decide or be proof that the Company in going about as an operator

or on the other hand an essential in regard of any carriage, taking care of or capacity of Goods;

(C) the Company goes about as an operator where the Company secures a bill of

filling or other archive proving an agreement of carriage between a

individual, other than the Company, and the Customer or Owner;

(D) the Company goes about as an operator and never as a foremost while giving

benefits in regard of or identifying with traditions prerequisites, charges,

licenses, consular archives, endorsements of inception, assessment,

endorsements and other comparative administrations

About Us

Major Services
  • Handeling vessels of all sizes in all Egyptian ports with utmost speed and efficiency
  • Comprehensive disbursement account and cost control of all vessel's movement .
  • Containers management and feeders operator .
  • Suez Canal Transits minimization and accurate estimation of Canal tolls .
  • Vessel's supply , bunkering and sign in/off of vessel's crew .
  • NVOCC , LCL services , cargo canvassing and project cargo handling .   
  • Weekly sea consolidation service ex- Alexandria to Port Said and Beirut .
  • Regular sea & air consolidation service from the U.S.A , Europe & the Far East to Egypt
  • Door to door deliveries.
  • Swift clearing up to exhibition stand.
  • Professional freight handling and storage of empties.
  • Efficient door to door delivery and pick up for exhibitors and organizers.
Packing & Household Removals
  • Special Nylon wrapped palletization for multinational companies.
  • Regular cartons , corrugated sheets , tailor made boxes for household goods.
  • Professional handing of all fragile items till safely at place .
  • Modified atmosphere palletization system for fresh produce .
Miscellaneous Services  
  • Recovering of letters of Guarantee for draw back shipments .
  • Recovering fund of ministry of Foreign Affairs on Egyptian exports .
  • Issuance of Insurance Policies .
  • Invoice visa for textile shipments to U.S.A .
  • Export license for textile shipments to Europe.
  • Legalization of documents .
  • Export Register Card for non specialized exporters.
  • Regular and free zone Warehousing facilities .
Perishable Good
  • Professional handling of frozen products , fresh vegetables & highly sensitive fruit .
  • 24 hour services for fresh products exporters .
  • Employed customs brokers and supervisors escorting customs delegations to farm or loading stations .
  • PTI for reefer containers and gen sets
  • Modified / Controlled atmosphere containers and palletization systems  
Personal Effects
  • Well equipped & highly trained staff handling your goods .
  • Tailor made package to guarantee the safety of your household goods and personal                belongings .
Hanging Garments
 Providing 20' & 40' FCL containers equipped with our locally manufactured Micanos   with specially trained supervisors to wrap garments in plastic bags and hang them in a unique way , bearing almost twice the number of pieces shipped in regular cartons.           
Heavy & Oversized Equipment
  • Comprehensive logistic solutions by our transportation engineers determining the means and most suitable transportation routes , to overcome any possible obstacles
  • 24 hour dedicated transport supervisors attending all stages of  the transport operation from    unloading of heavy and oversized cargos up to the final projects delivery site .
Dangerous cargo & Liquids
  • Professional handling of dangerous chemicals and liquids .
  • Precise calculations for imco class cargo freights by sea and air.
  • Specialized trucking supervisors for loading , unloading all kind of cargos.
  • Tanker trucks for all kinds of liquids.


  • Comprehensive logistic solutions by our transportation engineers determining the means and most suitable transportation routs , to overcome any possible obstacles .

  • 24 hour dedicated transport supervisors attending all stages of the transport operation from    unloading of heavy and oversized cargoes up to the final project derlivery site.

Costume clearance

  • Licensed customs broker in house customs brokers serving in all major airports & harbors,
  • 24 hour service for clearing both sea and air export shipments,
  • Pre-cleaning approvals , drawback , temporary import , free zone and transit custom clearance for all import shipment regardless of commodity,
  • Free customs consulting , traffic and commodity interpretation
International transport can not be managed without a customs agency. We provide this kind of service as well and guarantee customs negotiation not only in the Egypt but also abroad. There are fixed rates for customs clearance abroad. Customs negotiation in Egypt Republic depends on the number of imported goods, type and the amount of the customs debt
We manage the negotiation in the customs office for you and we stand security for the amount of the customs debt. You do not have to pay cash, but you can use a direct bank transfer on the account of the customs office . You hereby avoid the unnecessary bank transfers and time spent dealing with financial transactions.  We arrange customs negotiation by export of goods for a fixed rate.
Linkers Egypt Customs Clearance is a specialist customs broker. Our business is clearing your goods through customs. In business since 2000 we are market leaders and experts in our field.
We provide customs clearance solutions for businesses from large corporates - courier companies, wholesalers, retailers, and even private individuals. We understand what needs to happen, and our tailored service can take the headache out of every type of importation requirement.
Whether you're importing a one-off treasure you found on your holiday in the Far East; Whether you're a courier company importing your clients' consignments; Whether you bring wholesale or retail shipments every week of the year; Whether you import fashion, furniture or food, books, CDs or DVDs, kitchen equipment or motor components -
in fact, whatever your import need, Linkers Egypt Customs Clearance can make it easy for you.

Air Freight

Door-to-door around the world
Our global air freight network of hubs and sub-hubs, combined with our road feeder service or ocean freight connections, offers you door-to-door delivery anywhere in the world.
Globally local
This comprehensive service is backed by the expertise of our local team. who apply their up-to-the-minute insights on local conditions to reduce any risk of delays.
Wherever, whenever
A main advantage of our air freight products offer is that we are able to secure the capacity you need, where you need it and when you need it.
Unlimited capacity
Our non-asset-based operating style means that we don’t have our own aircraft to fill, which provides us with unrestricted access to virtually unlimited capacity.
Efficient booking on al major airlines at all times, 24 hour services for export traffic & handling of regular / perishable cargos,24 hour services for import cargo delivery to all cities in Egypt .


logistics and transportation services

Reliable logistics and transportation services, providing you personal monitoring of your freight from pick-up through delivery. Linkers Egypt Logistics, LLC provides complete transportation resources for all of your shipping service needs. We are committed to advising you with updates before you take the time to call us! In this service-oriented industry, honesty, integrity and hard work are still alive and well here at HG Logistics. We don't quit until the job is complete!
At Linkers Egypt Logistics, complete transport resources are as close as your telephone, fax, or computer. Our database includes reliable carriers across North America currently under contract to Linkers Egypt.
Our home fleet database includes:
  • Flatbeds
  • Step Decks
  • Double Drops
  • RGNs
  • Vans
We are not limited to one fleet, allowing us to draw upon a pool of equipment nationwide. If there is a truck in the area of your shipping needs, we will find it!
We provide all types of freight services, including:
  • Heavy Haul
  • Specialized Projects
  • Oversized Loads
  • "Regular" shipments of any kind

Sea freight philosophy

Linkers Egypt sea freight philosophy is quite simple to meet the demands of its customers. Maximum flexibility and a convincing price
performance ratio make the leading global sea freight solutions provider.
We are one of the world's leading sea freight solutions providers, delivers highly flexible services through partnerships with leading carriers, en/forwarding/sea_visibility streamlined visibility and monitoring via and tailor-made rates.
Through partnerships with leading carriers, Linkers Egypt can guarantee seafreight capacities and easily adapt to growing trade volumes - a key benefit for customers when it comes to managing global supply chains.
Our seafreight specialists can provide flexible solutions, customized to meet your unique requirements, including:
Detailed information of goods movement
Customer references and scanned documents
Proactive shipment monitoring and exception alerts
Customized statistics and reports
Interactive delivery planning
To/from all major ports worldwide .
FCL , LCL and special equipment
PTI " Pre Trip Inspection " for reefer containers .
Gen sets at all times
General cargo – break bulk – RO/RO .
Regular consolidation services .
Specially equipped 20' & 40' containers for hanging garments .Door to door deliveries .


8 Common Costly Mistakes Shippers Make on the Ocean Bill of Lading

8 Common Costly Mistakes Shippers Make on the Ocean Bill of Lading When shipping merchandise abroad, you'll have to accurate...